I’ve just had an article published about Bertie and Jenny, the gorgeous guinea pigs who inspired my Bertie stories. on the American cavy website, Guinea Pig Today If you’re a guinea pig fan and you’d like to know more, look out for a feature on Bertie and Jenny in the UK’s Guinea Pig Magazine in the next […]
Bertie is live!
Bertie is now available on the App store! The Stories of Bertie the Guinea Pig is an app for iPhone, iPod touch and iPad with four virtual books for children. The first one, Bertie and the Big Squeak is absolutely free! Beautifully illustrated, these short read-along tales are aimed at pre-schoolers but great for guinea pig lovers of any age and feature my present […]
Bertie the guinea pig!
I’m currently producing a collection of stories for young children, soon to be released as interactive apps for iPhone, iPod touch and iPad via The Story Mouse. The tales have been beautifully illustrated by Liz Lewis, and are based on the antics of my real life guinea pigs, starring one of my most fondly remembered squeakers, Bertie. The first […]